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    Welcome to the BrewArtist Community!


    The BrewArtist Community is the official place where we can come together and discuss the art of brewing with the BrewArt System while sharing a few laughs.

    Before you start chatting beer, we recommend you familiarise yourself with your profile and notification settings. Follow the below steps and then you’ll be ready to explore the BrewArtist Community!


    Signing In

    To sign in to the BrewArtist Community, you’ll need a BrewArt account.

    If you are already using the BrewArt app or ordering online you have a BrewArt account and you may sign in using these same credentials.


    The ‘Sign In’ and 'Sign Up' buttons are found in the top right corner on desktop view and within the slide across menu on mobile view.


    If you have not yet created a BrewArt account, please click the ‘Sign Up’ button and then click ‘Create Account’ and follow the prompts. Once you've created an account on the BrewArt website you will then need to navigate back to the Community (community.brewart.com). 


    Updating Display Name

    Your default display name or alias for the BrewArt Community is the name which is linked to your BrewArt account.  This will probably be your first and last name which you may prefer to alter to protect your privacy within the Community.  To update your display name, follow the below steps (please note: updating your display name will only update this within the Community and so your full name will still be listed against your account for App and Online Store processes).


    • Once you have signed in, click the small arrow alongside your name.
    • Your member menu will appear and this is where you can update settings in regard to your account, notifications and display profile.
    • Click ‘Account Settings’
    • A menu will appear listing ‘Overview’, ‘Email Address’, ‘Password’ and ‘Display Name’
    • Click Display Name, enter your new BrewArtist alias, and then click save


    Updating Email Address or Password

    If you decide to update your email address or password it will also update this across your entire BrewArt account. This will mean the updated details will then need to be used when logging into the App or Online Store.


    Updating Notification Settings

    Under ‘Account Settings’, click ‘Notification Settings’

    Here there are a range of options for you to update your subscription preferences and these can be updated at any time. You may turn settings on (orange tick) or off (grey cross) for either Notification List or Email.

    The Notification List is an icon that looks like a bell, and is displayed near the Sign In button or the member menu if you are already signed in. Click the bell to see all of your personalised notifications, alternatively if you’ve chosen Email – you’ll receive these direct to your email address.


    Personalising Your Profile

    Your Profile is a great place for other BrewArtists to learn about you (and you to learn about them!)

    To personalise it click ‘Profile’ from the member menu drop down. Here you will see your profile as it is displayed to other BrewArtists (except email addresses are only seen by admin). You are able to add a profile and cover photo, see your followers count and review your recent activity.

    There is also an ‘Edit Profile’ button overlayed on your Cover Photo. If you click ‘Edit Profile’ you’ll be able to add further information about yourself and your brewing history as so other BrewArtists can get to know you.




    Using the main menu you will see a range of ways to interact within the BrewArtist Community, have fun exploring!



    This is where the real fun happens! We’ve setup a range of Forums to discuss the BeerDroid, the brewing process, the BrewFlo as so you can craft the perfect masterpiece.



    Upload your own photos to our albums, feel free to show off your BrewArt Setup, your Perfect Pour’s or your Keg line up!


    Member Map

    Find out where other BrewArtists are located. We recommend that BrewArtists drop their location pin in the vicinity of their suburb/town rather than detailing their street for privacy reasons.

    To add your location to the Member Map, click ‘Add Location’, search suburb/town until it appears in the autofill, then click ‘Save’. Your location pin should appear correctly on the Member Map. You can change your location at any time by selecting ‘My Location’ or right-clicking the map.



    Check back here for BrewArt events, promotions and recommended brew times for various holidays.


    My Activity Streams

    My Activity Streams allows you to filter the content you haven’t yet read, the content you started or create custom streams to allow you to monitor and review the BrewArtist Community.




    When using the BrewArtist Community Site please be mindful to conduct yourself in an appropriate manner and be respectful of other BrewArtists.

    Please read our full BrewArtist Community Terms of Use.


    If you have any further questions the BrewArtist Community support team can be contacted at community@brewart.com


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