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New Beerdroid Owner

John Gillespie

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Hello from Lake Havasu City, Arizona, USA. Very happy to be a Droid owner. I just started a West Coast IPA recipe and have been pleased so far. I’ve poured over this forum, learning all I could before I purchased. Not new to brewing, I started with a carboy and lately was brewing with a Beermkr - an all grain automated brewer/fermenter that was a great idea but plagued with issues. I’m starting with Brewprints but imagine that I will try all types of beer brewing. It’s good to get started!

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8 hours ago, John Gillespie said:

Hello from Lake Havasu City, Arizona, USA. Very happy to be a Droid owner. I just started a West Coast IPA recipe and have been pleased so far. I’ve poured over this forum, learning all I could before I purchased. Not new to brewing, I started with a carboy and lately was brewing with a Beermkr - an all grain automated brewer/fermenter that was a great idea but plagued with issues. I’m starting with Brewprints but imagine that I will try all types of beer brewing. It’s good to get started!

Hi John welcome to the forum.


The droid is suited to different types of brewing whether Brewprints, cans or grain brews, it helps you to ferment them p[erfectly. Let us know how you go and post pics. Any questions you have let us know, a lot of experience on these boards

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Welcome @John Gillespie

As @Rob Courtney and @Steve Gyldenvand have said, there's a lot of very good information here and it's a very knowledgeable and supporting community.

The BrewPrints and experimenting with the ingredients (Elements and Enhancers) including hops will  bring you hours of good drinking pleasure.

If at some point you'd like to try all grain, then please feel free to reach out.

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Welcome to the forum.  You sound like an experienced brewer so I will not bore you with too many details about basic brewing.  The thing to remember is that the BeerDroid can accept your 10L wort and take it through your defined ideal temperature and time profile and produce the best possible result.  About two thirds of my own brews are brewprints (or slightly modified recipes) but the rest are all my own.  You can make about anything that you can scale into a ten-liter batch.

The major value of this forum is that we have a wide body of experience and expertise on brewing-in-general as well as knowledge of the BeerDroid and the BrewFlo.  Pose your question (if you have one) and you will get a response.  If that can't solve your problem, you can always ask the very accomplished and professional techs at BrewArt.

Also, please explore the existing forums to discover previously discussed issues and their solutions.  You will find useful hints as well as a lot of friendly banter.

We all look forward to interacting with you on recipes and techniques.

🙂 Happy brewing.

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