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First brew in the droid.

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@Paul Ingram Welcome to the forum.  You're in for a lot of fun and some tasty brews.  Your photo's look like a good start.  I see that you are splitting your batch between a keg and some bottles.  I have often done the same thing since you have more drinking choices if you have some of your brews bottled; yet kegging is very efficient.

Be sure to read as many of the old postings as you have time for.  There is a lot of useful information and resources available as well as friendly repartee between members.

Also, if you ever have questions about brewing, cleaning or kegging, be sure to ask.  Within hours, someone will post answers - or at least suggestions.

🙂 Happy brewing.

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3 hours ago, Paul Ingram said:

Now it has also gone into Temp Ramping. Was at 12degs and It has now gone up to 15degs

Hi Paul, every day it does a test to see how fermentation is going. What has happened with the temp ramping is that is moving the temp up so the yeast can become more active to mop up the sugars. It does mean that your brew is three days away from EOF (End of Fermentation)

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50 minutes ago, Paul Ingram said:

Oh ok, it’s been about 4 days 4hrs total!!

Yeah 7 days is around about right for Aztec.

Will be 18 degrees the next and drop back to 16 on the last.

When it has reached EOF before bottling/kegging, pour half a glass from the droid, smell it and taste it. As long as there isn't a weird metallic taste, it is good to go (you should be fine and this first taste gives you an idea of what a taster should be like 

The real tempter though is leaving it long enough to mature.

Secondary fermentation (when you add primer) takes two weeks it adds the carbonation and you can drink it then...and I recommend drinking a bottle to give you an idea. On this first brew, drink a bottle each week to get an idea of how it changes and then drink the keg.

It is hard though, I waited 4 weeks on my first keg,  a Czech Pils and thought I had shown such restraint. I was slightly disappointed but did drink most of the keg and thought "well it is beer not bad for a first go" I then brewed some more and bought some beer so I could extend the maturity out to 8 weeks, second brew wasn't too bad, third and I was hooked.


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