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Carbonation tabs

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On 21/05/2019 at 8:03 AM, Kevin Davis said:

Do I use the primer and the carbonation pills when bottling, or is it just one or the other?

Hi Kevin, Mark here. It’s one or the other. The tabs work well, never used the primer. When bottling with the tabs you know each bottle is getting the same amount, the primer imo more suited for the kegs.

Cheers. What are you brewing?

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5 minutes ago, Kevin Davis said:

I am brewing an American pale ale that came with. I have just bottled it. It looked a little cloudy and there was sludge left in the bottom. Is that normal?

i have just started a pineapple ale. Thank you for you advice.

The American Pale Ale will appear cloudy but will clear up whilst carbonating. Bit like a Coopers Pale Ale.

The “sludge left in the bottom.” I take it is in the droid unit? Yes that is normal, consists of brewing sediments and settled yeast. Needs to be cleaned out. Make sure the inside of your unit is clean, the funnel where the tap and drain bung go are cleaned,  then all areas sanitised. Don’t forget to rinse the tap and bung and sanitise both.

Have read up on the pineapple a,e, sounds nice.

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Thanks Mark. Yes, the sludge is in the bottom of the droid. I have cleaned it well and sanitized before starting the pineapple ale. I had a sample of my very first brew before bottling and it was not bad, I am hoping after secondary fermentation it will improve.

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6 minutes ago, Kevin Davis said:

Thanks Mark. Yes, the sludge is in the bottom of the droid. I have cleaned it well and sanitized before starting the pineapple ale. I had a sample of my very first brew before bottling and it was not bad, I am hoping after secondary fermentation it will improve.

It will certainly improve. If you can (bloody hard to do) hide say 4 bottles and test one at 1mth, then 2 then 3 then the 4th month. This will give you a good insight into how the brew develops and at what age you think is best for storage and drinking.

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