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When to add ingredients

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Hi all

We have been through the FAQs and watched the 101 videos but can't find definitive answers. 

Our first brew is the Belgian lager and once selected on the app and pressing start brew it doesn't tell you what to put in.

Piecing together the FAQs and vids, we have added all the ingredients (yeast first) apart from the smaller sachet packets of hops and sucrose.

Assuming that's right, when do these get added and/or does the app tell you?


Many thanks in advance 


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Add the yeast first followed by elements and enhancers.  Hops and primer usually aren’t added until you keg if that's what you plan to do? However, with that being said, hops are sometimes added directly to the BeerDroid prior to kegging. The BrewPrint should tell you that. These forums aren’t very active. I would suggest joining the Facebook group BrewArt owners. Also, the the app will not tell you when to the add the ingredients in what order but the 101 videos do. Just have to watch them a few times.  I bet I watched them 10 times to pick up all the info.  Furthermore, there are sometimes extra details for certain brewprints when you click on a specific brewprint in the store tab.   Hope this helps.

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On 02/12/2018 at 11:01 AM, Caroline Guaschi said:

Many thanks Seth. There are no specific instructions for adding prior to kegging so will add hops and primer to the keg liner just before kegging. 

Thanks also for the FB group info.

How did it turn out? I dry hop in the Beerdroid as soon as fermentation is finished a leave in the Keg mode for the 2 days. Just remove and replace slowly so you don’t creat “air movement” into the droid.

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