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Delivery and Service

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Last Friday (22/2/2019) I ordered the Beerdroid and some brewing ingredients, delivery required from Qld to Noarlunga Downs SA. Both arrived just after lunch Thursday  (1/03/2019), now that is delivery at its best. In addition whether by email or phone BrewArt support has been excellent and has given me great confidence in my monetary outlay.

I’ll be reporting further when I fire up my first Beerdroid brew this Sat. 



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Oh yeah, no doubt, service and delivery times are very good. I do understand what you men by monetary outlay too. I can remember years ago seeing a William Warn ( I think that is what it is) homebrew unit which is a flasher version of Brewart ( and it would want to be for 8k) so when I first saw Brewart I was really interested but it isn't sort of an impulse buy, though the cash was always there.

So, it was going to happen eventually and it did, bought everything I needed and started. Thought the first brew was OK but not "Pub quality" just thought it needed more ooomph, more body but now getting into about a dozen brews< i have found much like beer from the shop, there are some I really like...and the ones I really like are figging good.

I guess, you get to a point where you buy an emergency sixer drink it and think...yeah, its OK but not as good as my Belgian Lager etc etc.

I know you probably have but do watch the videos on 101 before you start and ask any questions on the facebook page if you are stuck but yeah, half a dozen brews into your Brewart you will confidently think "yeah, will easily recoup this investment"




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On 02/03/2019 at 10:01 AM, Barrelboy said:

Do you use the Beerflow, bottles or as I do ss kegs

Each brew I do 1 keg and the rest bottles. For me, the brewflo has worked perfectly but I understand others have issues with it. I do think that somewhere in the future, I'll probably get a second droid so I will re evaluate my set up at that point, so a different kegging system may be an option then. 

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