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Alcohol Jokes

Rob Courtney

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Two rocket technicians at Cape Canaveral were fixing a fuel leak on an experimental rocket.  One of them accidently caught a drop on his lip and swallowed it.  It was excellent – sort of like an expensive cognac.  He and his buddy spent the rest of the afternoon catching the drips and enjoying them.

The next morning the first guy woke up with the mother of all hangovers.  Soon the phone rang, and it was his friend from work.

“How are you feeling?” asked the friend.

“Awful.” moaned the technician. “I have a splitting headache; my eyeballs are scratchy; I have this putrid taste in my mouth; and I am somewhat nauseous.”

“Have you had an urge to fart?” the work friend asked.

“No… not yet, anyway,” replied the technician.

“Well, don’t!” his friend said.  “I’m calling from Albuquerque.”

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A drunk old man sitting in a bar watches a well-dressed young fellow walk in and ask the bartender for an 18 year old scotch. The bartender pours him a drink, but as soon as he tastes it, the customer says, "No, no, no, sir. This is a 12 year old. I asked for an 18." Mumbling an apology, the bartenders hustles off and returns with another glass. Taking a sip, the customer says, "well, that's better, but it's a 14, and I really want the 18." Without a word, the bartender retreats, returning forthwith carrying another drink. When the customer tastes it, he smiles warmly and says, "yeah, that's the stuff." The old drunk, having watched the entire scene, shakes his head in wonder and walks out of the bar, only to return a minute later carrying a bottle in a brown paper sack. Handing it to the scotch-lover, he slurs, "here ya go, fella, try this." Tilting the bottle to his lips, the gentleman immediately spits out the sip, exclaiming, "oh my god, man, that tastes like p*ss!" "Very good," the drunk replies, "now tell me how old I am."

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An Asian guy steps up to a bar along side of a big fella and starts drinking. The big guy says, "Hey, you know any of them martial arts, like Kung Fu or Karate?" The Asian guy replies, "Wow, that's pretty racist. You think just because I'm Asian, I must practice martial arts?" "No," says the big dude, "I asked because you're drinking my f***ing beer!" 

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  • 4 weeks later...

A guy is driving through some out-of-the way country when he spots a small store beside the road. Stopping for a snack, he enters the store and after finding a couple items, he approaches the checkout counter. There, the old man who owns the place is waiting, and behind him are wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling shelves stocked with nothing but bottles of vermouth. 

"Wow," says the customer, "You must sell an awful lot of vermouth."

The old man glances over his shoulder for a moment, the slowly shakes his head and says, "No. No, not really. Now, the guy I buy it from? There's a fella that sells a lot of vermouth."

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  • 1 year later...

A man is hitchhiking on a lonely road.

After a good while an old beat-up truck stops and picks him up and after a couple of minutes of small talk the driver asks the man if he wants some booze.  Sure, he says and gets handed a bottle.  When he tries to drink it the smell of bad moonshine overwhelms him and he declines the drink. The old man driving just steps on the brakes and pulls a shotgun and screams, "Now, you drink or I'll blow your head off."  The guy does what he's told and takes a steady sip.  After that, the old man says, "Good, now you aim at me so I can have a drink too."

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Four CEOs of beer companies are having a meeting and they decide to get a drink.

The CEO of Budweiser orders a Bud light.

The CEO of Miller orders a Miller Lite.

The CEO of Coors orders a Coors Light.

The CEO of Guinness orders a Coke.

The three CEOS then ask him, why aren’t you ordering a Guinness?

He replies: “If you guys aren’t drinking beer than neither will I.”

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Guy walks into a bar and orders 5 whiskies and when they are put down in front of him he sculls one after the other until all five are downed

The barman says "Woah mate steady on, you're drinking way too fast"

The guy looks at him and says "you'd drink like this too if you had what I have"

The barman looks at him and says "why, what do you have"

and the guy says "75 cents"

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

A man walks in an Alaskan bar and shouts, “Free beers outside!”

So, everyone in the bar, except the bartender, ran outside in excitement.

The bartender, visibly angry, yells at the man, “What did you do that for? Now I have no customers!”

The man says, “Sorry mister, I honestly didn’t fink any of those men would be brave enough to fight a grizzly beer, let alone free of 'em.”

Edited by Thagomizer
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  • 3 weeks later...

A fellow walks into a bar and orders three beers.
The bartender gives him a strange look but serves him his drinks. The fellow takes them to a booth, clinks them together, and drinks them all.

He then goes back to the bartender and orders another three beers, which he proceeds to drink in the same fashion.

On his third round, the bartender can't help but ask him "excuse me sir, I couldn't help but notice that you order your drinks in threes, if you don't mind telling me, I was wondering why that is"

The fellow grins and says "Well, I just moved here from my hometown. When I and my two best mates split ways, we agreed that we'd always have a drink for each other when we went out, so that we always drink together." The bartender nods understandingly and serves him his drinks.

The fellow keeps up this routine, coming to the bar at least twice a week and ordering three drinks at a time.

One day the fellow walks in, solemnly makes his way to bar, and orders two beers. The patrons and the bartender all see this, and they assume that something terrible has happened to one of his friends. However, they don't want to disturb him in his time of grief, so they refrain from asking him anything.

When he goes to order his second round, the bartender can't help but remark "I'm so sorry for your loss". The fellow looks up and says "My loss!? What in tarnation are you talking about?"

The bartender says "Well when you bought two drinks, I assumed that one of your friends had passed"

The fellow laughs and says "No, nothing of the sort. I quit drinking is all".

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