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Orange and coriander

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6 hours ago, Leonard S said:

Anyone have experience with adding orange peel (sanitized) and coriander to a Brewprint such as the Belgian Lager?  Quantities and when in brew?

Hi Leonard and welcome with your first post. Haven’t tried the orange peel and coriander however would be interested in the outcome. I have done lime peel, with julienne style strips for the Mexican Cerveza. I used the peel from 2 limes and steep in boiled water using a hop bag for 30mins. You could steep both your ingredients with the coriander being crushed seeds, perhaps a tablespoon?

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Thanks to Leonard S for introducing this idea - and to the Captain for suggesting a safe way to introduce orange peel.  Steeping the peel in boiled water (still very hot, I assume) should extract the desired essence while getting rid of the mold.  Years ago, I attempted brewing citrus wine and had trouble with mold.  This should work for a beer.  And coriander?  I have enjoyed this in tea,  I may have to try it in an experimental beer as well.  

Please let us know your outcome on this.

🙂 Happy brewing.

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i've done this (according to Liam's advice) to recreate a Blue Moon Belgian Wit clone.

Liam's recs:  

1L boiling water, add Coriander 14gm of seeds boiled for 10min

(I used ground, would prob's go cracked not ground to avoid sediment)



1 entire orange zest grated off ---do NOT grate the WHITE pith, it's bitter as (i used two cuz I love the orange zest) boiled for 5 min


basically make a tea out of this (and have a separate pot of boiled water to sterilise a tea strainer or similar so you can filter the seeds and orange zest)


results were spectacular.  


Tweak up/down to desired effect.   

I might go a bit shy on the coriander the first time (i happen to like the pungency) to conserve


In case you want the whole Bluemoon recipe:  E5, X1, 3 X2, Y1 or Y5

Ferment 22C


Good luck and let us know how you go

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On 8/5/2022 at 2:13 PM, Leonard S said:

Thanks for the advice. Will let you know

Used peel of one orange. 1 tbsp of coriander. Soaked in 30 ml vodka x 48 hours and then into hop tube at beginning of brew. Mild spiciness with a hint of citrus. Surprisingly good.

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