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We are currently still experiencing some minor issues after our server outage on Tuesday. BrewArtists have not been able to modify their BeerDroid remotely from the App. We are working to resolve the issue ASAP. Thank you for your patience. ×

New BeerDroid


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Well.  I have done it.  I have ordered a second BeerDroid.  There are so many advantages to this:

·         I will now be able to brew enough kegs and bottles to have an eight-to-twelve-week reserve for proper aging.

·         I can brew a batch of cider (three weeks commitment) and still have an ongoing progression of beers that I like.

·         There are a lot of 5/6 gallon products that can be split among two Droids.

·         I was tempted to change my handle to Lieutenant Two Droids but decided to stay as Thagomizer😄

I have ordered and am awaiting the rolling cart that will convey my new Droid to the Kitchen for cleansing and refilling.

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13 hours ago, Captain 3 Droids said:

Great stuff guys, you’ll love the flexibility. What sort of “rolling cart” did you order. @Thagomizer

Hello Captain,

The new cart is just like the old one.  It is chrome-plated and made by a Chinese company called Finnhomy.  I bought it on Amazon.

I am attaching a photo of my original set-up.


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