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New BeerDroid


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Well.  I have done it.  I have ordered a second BeerDroid.  There are so many advantages to this:

·         I will now be able to brew enough kegs and bottles to have an eight-to-twelve-week reserve for proper aging.

·         I can brew a batch of cider (three weeks commitment) and still have an ongoing progression of beers that I like.

·         There are a lot of 5/6 gallon products that can be split among two Droids.

·         I was tempted to change my handle to Lieutenant Two Droids but decided to stay as Thagomizer😄

I have ordered and am awaiting the rolling cart that will convey my new Droid to the Kitchen for cleansing and refilling.

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13 hours ago, Captain 3 Droids said:

Great stuff guys, you’ll love the flexibility. What sort of “rolling cart” did you order. @Thagomizer

Hello Captain,

The new cart is just like the old one.  It is chrome-plated and made by a Chinese company called Finnhomy.  I bought it on Amazon.

I am attaching a photo of my original set-up.


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