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First Brewprint


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Not included as far as I know.

Certainly not from HN.

Unless BrewArt or HN are running a special, you will need to purchase a Brewprint.

HN only have the American Pale Ale, and you may want to be wary if they have one in stock as it may not be fresh.

once you have your print, you need to decide if you are going to bottle or keg. Both require an additional purchase.

And if you choose keg, then you will need to purchase the Brewflow.

Welcome to the wonderful world of BrewArt. It's not going to be cheap beer, but it's going to be good beer. And the experience is what you are paying for.

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That's probably your bank/credit institution playing up.

Have a read of these two threads and get down to Big W or your local brew shop or supermarket. In the time it takes to have your order delivered by Aussie Post (when you finally get to order it), you will have been able to knock out a decent brew.



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