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Dear Brewart, For Christmas We Would Like...

Steve Gyldenvand

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I guess it's the time of year for a bit of reflection on the accomplishments of the past year, as well as our aspirations for the year to come...

Okay, that was a bit over the top. What I want to address here is the topic of Things We'd Like Brewart To Consider In The Coming Year. I'll start.

1. A page in the online store for ordering spare parts. It's been discussed here before, and the customer service team has been amazing at getting replacement parts out as needed. Still, I think there are enough of us who'd be willing to pay to have a few spares on hand for convenience sake.

2. More Free Shipping. I'm thinking about regular free shipping for orders over a certain dollar amount, or perhaps quarterly for any size order. 


What else, Guys?

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Love it, great thread @Steve Gyldenvand,

Thanks to everyone on this Community, you all save me a lot of time by answering questions, and helping each other out. We really appreciate it. 
Special thanks to @Rob Courtney for keeping you lot in order 😂 and moderating the site. 

As for this thread and your requests:
1. We're just waiting on some parts to arrive, then we'll activate our Spare Parts page early next year. Keep your eyes peeled. . 

2. Regarding shipping, we already take quite a big hit on shipping fees. Australia Post is not cheap, especially when sending around big boxes. We try to do Free Shipping sales at some points throughout the year but I can't see us making it a constant thing. Sorry. 

Feel free to add anything in here you'd like to see with the App, BeerDroid, or BrewFlo. We love to hear your ideas. 

Cheers, the BrewArt Team

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Well since we're getting our wishlist on...

I'd love to see Brewprint search sorting on the store.  e.g. sort  by IBU, ABV, (low > high / High > low) or prints that use a specific ingredient such as show all that use Y6 or X1.

@BrewArt Team given shipping is what it is, then assuming we keep yeast & hops in fridge, what's the expected shelf life of the various bits and pieces, e.g. malt good till 1 year?  I guess some kind of guidance on, if we bulk order, what's the "best by" date vs shelf life?


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18 hours ago, Steve Gyldenvand said:

I guess it's the time of year for a bit of reflection on the accomplishments of the past year, as well as our aspirations for the year to come...

Okay, that was a bit over the top. What I want to address here is the topic of Things We'd Like Brewart To Consider In The Coming Year. I'll start.

1. A page in the online store for ordering spare parts. It's been discussed here before, and the customer service team has been amazing at getting replacement parts out as needed. Still, I think there are enough of us who'd be willing to pay to have a few spares on hand for convenience sake.

2. More Free Shipping. I'm thinking about regular free shipping for orders over a certain dollar amount, or perhaps quarterly for any size order. 


What else, Guys?

It sounds weird but I'd feel more comfortable paying for spares as long as the originals last an acceptable amount of time or I want a spare. You kinda feel guilty asking for a replacement when the original lasts 2 years

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13 hours ago, Mike A said:

Well since we're getting our wishlist on...

I'd love to see Brewprint search sorting on the store.  e.g. sort  by IBU, ABV, (low > high / High > low) or prints that use a specific ingredient such as show all that use Y6 or X1.

@BrewArt Team given shipping is what it is, then assuming we keep yeast & hops in fridge, what's the expected shelf life of the various bits and pieces, e.g. malt good till 1 year?  I guess some kind of guidance on, if we bulk order, what's the "best by" date vs shelf life?


Thanks @Mike A

I love this idea about the search functions. I will forward it onto our E-Commerce manager to see what can be done.

As for ingredients, If the Hops and Yeast are kept in the fridge they will last a year. As for the Elements and Enhancers, they'll last years if kept in a cool place (room temperature). You can confidently bulk buy a years worth and have no issues. 


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