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I am a proud new owner of a Beer Droid and have my first brew fermenting (Coopers Pale Ale) and everything is going to plan. Sanitized the heck out of everything as I believe that is the key to getting a good brew.

I have been buying Brew Prints ie, the Belgium Lager @ $34 plus postage. As I have plenty of carbonation drops and sugar plus inexpensive sanitizer, my costing for the individual ingredients for this lager adds up to $26 plus postage. This represents a saving of 24% which is a handy over the long term.

Do any members order the ingredients rather than the complete Brew Print and is there any down side to taking this money saving approach?

Edited by Gary Moulton
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2 hours ago, Eltham Brewing House said:

I am a proud new owner of a Beer Droid and have my first brew fermenting (Coopers Pale Ale) and everything is going to plan. Sanitized the heck out of everything as I believe that is the key to getting a good brew.

I have been buying Brew Prints ie, the Belgium Lager @ $34 plus postage. As I have plenty of carbonation drops and sugar plus inexpensive sanitizer, my costing for the individual ingredients for this lager adds up to $26 plus postage. This represents a saving of 24% which is a handy over the long term.

Do any members order the ingredients rather than the complete Brew Print and is there any down side to taking this money saving approach?

Quite a lot of us just buy the ingredients. We use the Shem spreadsheet to keep track and for ordering purposes.

Cheers          https://community.brewart.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=605

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30 minutes ago, Eltham Brewing House said:

In the Shemcheatsheet spread sheet, in the comments column it mentions on some recipes "Prev 2 x H...."

What does the Prev 2 refer to?

Hi Gary,

The spreadsheet was originally developed prior to some of the recipes being updated to include dry hopping so that notation indicates that the ingredients list previously used the hop oils or 'H' sachets as opposed to the new 'D' dry hop sachets.


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