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Lost WiFi

Peter Rundle-Curry

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I have brewed 4 beers in the droid which is connected to my WiFi network.  I use an android app which works well.

I experienced a power failure during a brew (also lost modem power), when the power came back on I lost WiFi on the droid.

I have just kegged the brew and on attempting to manually setup the WiFi on the droid it gets to the part where you select your home WiFi network and my home network isn't on the list (all my neighbours are!).  The home WiFi is working fine on the computer and phone, why can't I detect the home network?

I can see and connect to the droid both on my phone and computer, anyone else having this problem? Ive rebooted everything but same issue.

I have contacted support and waiting for a call back..


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If that's right, that really should be logged as a firmware defect.  SSID can have alpha or numeric sequences of up to 32 characters in length.  Default SSID on consumer modems will very commonly have an Alphanumeric SSID by default.


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