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Exited programme - first brew

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Hi newbie here. 

I have finished fermentation of my first brew. I've added the hops but I accidently ended the programme. How do I chill the beer to store and then how do I bring it back up to temperature for bottling?

I don't want to start another programme because I already have fully fermented beer in the tank. 

Any tips?


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@SG Droid, firstly welcome to the forum.

This is probably a little late for you now but may help someone in the future.

The brew has not quite finished fermenting when the Droid prompts you to dry hop so needs a couple more days at the higher fermentation temperature to complete the process.

If this was my brew, I'd leave it in the droid for another couple of days, with no program running. After that I wouldn't worry about the cold crash and just proceed to kegging or bottling but making sure to use the hop filter to catch the hop debris.

Not optimal but certainly will still produce a good result.

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14 hours ago, xpsTech said:

@SG Droid, firstly welcome to the forum.

This is probably a little late for you now but may help someone in the future.

The brew has not quite finished fermenting when the Droid prompts you to dry hop so needs a couple more days at the higher fermentation temperature to complete the process.

If this was my brew, I'd leave it in the droid for another couple of days, with no program running. After that I wouldn't worry about the cold crash and just proceed to kegging or bottling but making sure to use the hop filter to catch the hop debris.

Not optimal but certainly will still produce a good result.

Another way to do this:

Start a new Custom program and modify the default values for Propagation and Ferment temperatures to 5 degrees C (the lowest the scale will go) - this will give your cold crash. 

The Propagation phase runs for 12 hours and the Fermentation phase is determined by the daily gravity tests, so allow 48 or more hours from when you start the program to achieve your custom "cold crash".

Once you're happy it's complete, cancel the brew on the BeerDroid by pressing the  on the panel and then the  to confirm.

To bring your brew up to kegging/bottling temperature, start another custom program setting the Propagation temperature to 18 degrees C.

Repeat the cancel a brew process when you're done.

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