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Spoke Amber Ale (part kit)

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Put in the droid yesterday (9/7/19) a Spoke Amber Ale using both Brewprint and other ingredients.

1/2 tin of Coopers Australian Pale Ale

1 x E2

250g ldme (light dry malt extract)

250g dry amber malt extract

Y4 yeast 

dry hop 20g of Centennial hop pellets in about 5 days time.

Will inform of out come in the future when ready to consume.

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  • 3 months later...

So having the Spoke amber ale that has punched passed 2 weeks. Also in the name of science. This is tasty already , agree with you Mark it is sweet and hopefully the flavors smooth out with a couple more weeks 🙂 . Very very low carbonation though . Have noticed that all my brews are coming this way so far . Could I be doing something wrong , the tiny head on there was from a long pour haha


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27 minutes ago, Paul84 said:

So having the Spoke amber ale that has punched passed 2 weeks. Also in the name of science. This is tasty already , agree with you Mark it is sweet and hopefully the flavors smooth out with a couple more weeks 🙂 . Very very low carbonation though . Have noticed that all my brews are coming this way so far . Could I be doing something wrong , the tiny head on there was from a long pour haha


How are you keeping it? Bottles, kegs or whatever?


Just asking cause 2 weeks is the bare minimum, it is better left longer unless you force carb  

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  • 1 month later...

I havent actually had any since lol.. let them age away . I do have a bottle in the fridge saving it for shift change tomorrow . Will update :-D. The 5 litre keg is looking a little sad.  It pumped itself up when starting the carbonation on secondary, but now look 2/3rd full lol . 

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21 minutes ago, Will Powell said:

I just opened the second keg of the Amber that's been maturing for about 7 weeks. It's definately less sweet than the first keg and has a much better head, but is dissapointingly thin. I'll try adding some maltodextrose next time to give it some body.

Thanks for that and smart move with the maltodextrin.

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