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pellet hops to make a tea?  Amounts?


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What's a good way to use pellet hops to make a tea?  Boiling worts is very different on how hops utilize than the brewart method however brewing with the droid is what i want to do,  but then just add the teas to it.  I want to do bittering, during ferment, then add aroma hops in keg.  Figuring amounts is a bit daunting!  I'd like the imperial stout I'm working on to be about 60 IBU'S.  It will include about 1 lb of specialty grains steeped 15 min. at  160 degrees. of course I must also consider how much bitterness wlll my brewart ingredients add as well?  Seems tough but think it can be worked out.  Online calculators are no help on my hops since they all involve knowing start gravity, boil amount, etc.  Yikes!

I think through this forum we will eventually come up with the info we need for better, easier customization.  Don't even have my droid yet, but doesn't stop me from studying brewpaks for some enlightenment!  Cheers!

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3 hours ago, Weissbock said:

What's a good way to use pellet hops to make a tea?  Boiling worts is very different on how hops utilize than the brewart method however brewing with the droid is what i want to do,  but then just add the teas to it.  I want to do bittering, during ferment, then add aroma hops in keg.  Figuring amounts is a bit daunting!  I'd like the imperial stout I'm working on to be about 60 IBU'S.  It will include about 1 lb of specialty grains steeped 15 min. at  160 degrees. of course I must also consider how much bitterness wlll my brewart ingredients add as well?  Seems tough but think it can be worked out.  Online calculators are no help on my hops since they all involve knowing start gravity, boil amount, etc.  Yikes!

I think through this forum we will eventually come up with the info we need for better, easier customization.  Don't even have my droid yet, but doesn't stop me from studying brewpaks for some enlightenment!  Cheers!

Before I bought my first droid I study up on them (not a great amount of info Bach then) however downloaded the full manual so when the unit arrived it was away we go with a fair amount of confidence. So what your doing is a good idea.

For hop teas I got a cheap 1 litre coffee plunger. Before use,  sanitise it and a spoon. Add pellets, fill just boiled water, stir and let steep for 20, 30 mins or whatever suits. Plunger down and pour into wort. Just so easy. I dry hop with pellets in a hop bag usually 2hen fermentation has finished or about to.

The brewart brewprint recipes tell you the bitterness and colour expected if that helps with mixed brew methods.

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A french press is what i think you mean, good idea.  Really until we have pertinent info on brewprint Ibu's, and ingredients Ibu's It will be expensive trial and error!  They really should to make this info available, it would make the droid much more enjoyable.  A company sells more product when they make it easier to customize properly.  Till then best to go small on hops, maybe add extra in keg if not enough.  Problem is I can't accurately do bittering hops in many beers i wish to brew since hopping with three different types is tricky at the least not knowing accurate IBU levels in ingredients.  Until that day, guess I'll still have to do much wort boiling on the really custom brews.  Sad but true. 

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31 minutes ago, Barrelboy said:

Not really up on this but does this calculator help? 


I tried same one earlier today. unfortunately it needs info we can't really provide using the droid method.   Needs boil size,  finished brew amount,  Target Original Gravity (OG):  will not work correctly with our brewing method.  But thanks!

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