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Perforated Keg Liner or is it something else?

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This post follows on from my previous this date.

A double check of my shelf kegs revealed - PHOTO 1.  Twin Bavarian Larger kegs after 4 weeks conditioning.

Note the small amount of beer at the top of the keg liner of the L/H keg.  R/H keg okay.  PHOTO 2 - close up.

Note small bubbles at the ridge of the keg liner hump.  Whilst not evident in the photograph these small air bubbles were forming at the peak of a crease in the liner.  Given my earlier experience that day I immediately thought it was another perforated keg liner. Reasonable conclusion ? I thought so.  Emailed photos to Iain, BrewArt Team overnight.

His subsequent diagnosis:-

1. I have either cross threaded or not sufficiently tightened the keg liner to the black connector cap

2. As carbonation forms pressure increases pushing fluid out of liner into the neck of the keg

3. This keg won't necessarily deform like my previous one.

4. The keg liner is pressed firmly against keg causing the bubbles to form. This is due to the keg not properly maintaining air pressure.

5. This will not affect the beer, but it will take a little longer to pressurise in the Brewflo.

Learn something new everyday. I would have put money on a perforated keg liner.  A much closer look at the connection and I can see a slight misalignment indicating cross threading.

This BrewArt caper is getting to be high maintenance and time consuming.  However, it's a first world problem and worth it, as the beer, even from a deformed, bloated and bent out of shape keg tastes fantastic.  Thanks to Iain for his patient and prompt customer service.

The BeerFlo is in the car and will be followed by a few kegs in the morning for a week away fishing.  Cheers ?

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Have a great fishing trip!

Interesting comments from the brewart guys.  I want to throw one more possibilty into the mix.  The beer might have not finished fermentation.

We don't know how the EOF tech works in the droid, maybe fermentation stalled? The reason I mention that is that i just cracked a pilsner bottle tonight and noticed a significant krausen ring inside the bottle.  This bottle is a coopers PET 750ml and was primed with 2 carb drops. It also is slightly deformed on the bottom.  I am wondering if a stalled fermentation which then finished in the keg/bottle could cause these same issues

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  • 2 months later...

IMG_0939.thumb.JPG.655d6223eacf888896bbd0eb5911531e.JPGMy first keg of Revolution Dark Lager stopped flowing from the BeerFlo, however, there was still beer left in the keg.  A subsequent post mortem revealed a perforated keg liner.  The small pinhole was discovered in the bottom of the inner plastic bag  about as far away from the neck of the keg liner as you can get.  The hole caused the beer to become trapped between the outer silver skin and the inner plastic membrane in the lower half of the keg liner.  Initially I thought that I may have pinched the keg liner around the neck area when inserting it in the keg before filling, but this proved not to be the case.  

I spoke with Liam from the BrewArt Tech Team yesterday and he has requested that I send the keg liner back to them for further examination.  Fortunately the perforation did not result in an infection, as did a previous event back in March.  On that occasion the keg distended to the extent that it did not fit in the BeerFlo, had to be replaced and the beer wasted.

What exactly caused the hole in that area of the keg liner is unknown at this stage.  My money is on the manufacturing process given its location and the way we receive the packaged item for use.  Liam was very helpful grateful for the feedback.  He also sought clarification concerning keg foaming and the keg connector seal.

There are some well documented ongoing outstanding issues concerning the keg liner, excessive froth and alike.  I would urge others to carefully examine offending keg liners, take photographs and report findings to the very helpful BrewArt Team.  Even if you are not having issues it is worth cutting a used keg liner open before it is discarded and have a good look at the way they are made.

I have attached a photo, but I have done that before and they have not been published on the forum ???

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  • 1 year later...

I have had three keg liners rupture out of 8 kegs. In my recent one I discovered that since there is no pressure relief for the air between the liner and the keg, the pressure generated in secondary fermentation can be too much with some beers. The air valve appears sealed without a connector. BrewArt could alleviate this by having that air escape with enough pressure. Once the space between the liner and keg fills out it is no longer a primary issue. To fix this on your own you can insert an air valve elbow connecter into the air valve within a couple days of kegging. Continue until there are no more gaps in space. My recent rupture occurred at day 5. 

Edited by Daniel Pickle
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I haven't had a rupture as you discuss. But I've started using 2 turns of thread tape on the connection between keg liner and black connector. Not the thinner white plumbers thread tape, the slightly thicker pink stuff. My theory on foaming is the pressurised air is getting through the gaps between the quite coarse threads. Sometimes the tightening of the connections is sufficient to prevent this, sometimes not resulting in the air entry into the beer path. The thread tape should shut this down. Its too early to tell if this is doing anything, I'll need quite a number of successful pours for any confidence, I've luckily only had 1 foaming pour in first 5 (prior to taping). The tape does seem to reduce my double threading so it at least has some benefit for me. Cheers.

Edited by David Gianelly
clarified foaming pour did not have tape
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  • 7 months later...

Hey guys , 

I am assuming this is the correct thread for this but I just noticed the second Narci citrus keg I have has leaked beer out of the liner and into the keg . Thoughts feelings opinions . Plus do you think I should undo the collar and drain it before putting it in the beerflo ? 


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On 23/10/2019 at 4:45 PM, Paul84 said:

Hey guys , 

I am assuming this is the correct thread for this but I just noticed the second Narci citrus keg I have has leaked beer out of the liner and into the keg . Thoughts feelings opinions . Plus do you think I should undo the collar and drain it before putting it in the beerflo ? 


Sorry Paul, missed this post. To be honest not sure what you do here, Rob hasn’t been able to answer yet (he uses these kegs). Can only suggest you contact Liam at the tech centre if you haven’t solved the issue.

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