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Check BrewPrint contents before Brewing

Big Pop

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Yesterday I checked the contents of a BrewPrint (Abbey Dubbel) against the general store info for this print just before placing its contents in the BeerDroid. I discovered that a single Elements packet had been incorrectly supplied.  I telephoned BrewArt support (Paul) who advised that use of the incorrect Element would not be a total disaster but it would adversely impact on colour and taste as a departure from the desired recipe.  Paul is shipping a replacement Elements packet.  Obviously a simple packaging error at BrewArt HQ.  As usual support was first class.

I started another BrewPrint and have carefully checked the contents of other Brewprints in stock with no other issues detected.

I will be checking the contents of all future BrewPrints after shipping and before brewing.  Suggest other 'BrewArtists' do the same.

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That's a great tip Big Pop!

I haven't had any issues so far but will definitely be checking my ingredients are correct in future.

Lucky you checked them first or you wouldn't have known if you just chucked all the ingredients in.

I'm glad to see that BrewArt are sending you out the one you were missing as well which is really good customer service and support from them.

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You are correct Chris.  I would have been none the wiser if I had not bothered to do the check.  I have completed four previous brews which are all in various stages of secondary fermentation.  I did not previously run a check on them before brewing and just assumed they were all good.  I hope all is well as I have not tasted any yet.  I will be double checking in the future.

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