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2 questions

Damian Ryan

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I am going to bottle half of my brew. How much hops do I use per bottle? 500ml bottles and I have a syringe.

I have the liquid hops from brewart.

In the keg I need to add primer. How much dexstrose do I need and how much water do I use to dissolve it?

The beer is Mountain high IPA.

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Damien, Have you perhaps considered adding the BrewArt hops to the beerdroid about 24 hrs before bottling / kegging.  So far I have only used the BrewArt primer in my kegs, so I will leave the dextrose issue to those with more experienced on that front.

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Add both the hops sachets directly to the BeerDroid 24 hours before you keg and bottle.

Definitely stick with the primer sachets for the keg. If you try with your own sugar you may put too much in, which could deform the keg as there's too much pressure inside.

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I have used 20g of dextrose to prime the 5L keg which works out to 4g/L and it has had a good amount of carbonation.

I add the dextrose to some hot water to dissolve it, let it cool down a bit to room temperature and then pour it into the keg through a funnel just before I fill it with the beer.

As Duffman has mentioned you don't want to use too much dextrose as this could produce a lot more CO2 in the keg which might cause the keg to expand too much and it will deform which can damage the keg and also might not fit in the BrewFlo so just a warning that it is a bit riskier than using the BrewArt primer.

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