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Bottling with crown seal

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5 minutes ago, Paul84 said:

Yeah I have seen that as a cause too , didnt think it would be much of an issue with the droid as its all over the EOF. Either ways it's the yeast hasnt finished pooping out alcohol and farting out the C02 bubbles lol 

When I first got the droid I did hydrometer tests on a known fg (final gravity) brew straight after notice to keg. Readings were correct and satisfied the process of the EOF is accurate.

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  • 1 year later...
On 18/12/2019 at 8:23 PM, Rob Courtney said:

Bought one from the local brew shop, I'll dig up an equivalent pic of one for you. Online you can get them for 30 odd but I paid 60 for it as the guy is a local shop owner with a wealth of information




Picture 1 of 6


I'm digging up a very old thread here but just for the sake of the discussion - I used to have a mechanical capper back in the day and have gone with a different style this time around.

I'm only intending to bottle a few keepers every now and then.

Unlike Rob's bench top model that can handle twist top glass bottles, this one will only cap the pry off seals but it sure beats the hammer-on style capper and broken bottle necks.

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  • 1 year later...

I just cracked a bottle which had been conditioning for 4 weeks and it was overly carbonated. I use 2x carb drops in each 750ml bottle, as directed, but the head continued to froth out of the bottle for a couple of minutes before I bit the bullet and poured some into a glass. 

I had to get a spoon to scoop the majority of it out before drinking. Anyone have any thoughts on where this has gone wrong? 

I’ve just bottled another brew this morning and only put 1x carb drop in one of the bottles as a tester. See how that does. 


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8 minutes ago, sssibbbaaa said:

I just cracked a bottle which had been conditioning for 4 weeks and it was overly carbonated. I use 2x carb drops in each 750ml bottle, as directed, but the head continued to froth out of the bottle for a couple of minutes before I bit the bullet and poured some into a glass. 

I had to get a spoon to scoop the majority of it out before drinking. Anyone have any thoughts on where this has gone wrong? 

I’ve just bottled another brew this morning and only put 1x carb drop in one of the bottles as a tester. See how that does. 


What beer did you brew?

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I ask that question because every now and then I get an overcarbonated brew, usually with Neder if anything and I'm not sure of whether this has happened because it was carbonating those first two weeks of hot weather or not. I have adapted it though when it happens to pour a bit out into another glass, let it stay open for 2-3 minutes and then pour to compensate

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Appreciate the quick responses! 

It was my attempt at a hazy pale. 2x E5, 2x X2 and Lallemand East Coast Yeast, dry hopped with 25g mosaic, 25g galaxy and 25g el dorado. Standard ale set up for the brew. It’s been sitting in my walk-in at 18deg prior to going into the fridge for a few hours before cracking it open. 

I can’t recall exactly how long after the ready to keg notice I bottled but I always do it same day. Wouldn’t have been more than 12hrs.



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1 minute ago, sssibbbaaa said:

Appreciate the quick responses! 

It was my attempt at a hazy pale. 2x E5, 2x X2 and Lallemand East Coast Yeast, dry hopped with 25g mosaic, 25g galaxy and 25g el dorado. Standard ale set up for the brew. It’s been sitting in my walk-in at 18deg prior to going into the fridge for a few hours before cracking it open. 

I can’t recall exactly how long after the ready to keg notice I bottled but I always do it same day. Wouldn’t have been more than 12hrs.



Thanks sssibbbaaa. There has been discussion on the accuracy of “ EFO “ (end of fermentation) and ready to keg. With bottling and using the BrewFlo kegs waiting 24 hrs is a good move. The accuracy question I believe is dependent upon the brew and yeast choices. It’s not a fault as in most cases it’s close to the mark. 

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4 minutes ago, Captain 3 Droids said:

Thanks sssibbbaaa. There has been discussion on the accuracy of “ EFO “ (end of fermentation) and ready to keg. With bottling and using the BrewFlo kegs waiting 24 hrs is a good move. The accuracy question I believe is dependent upon the brew and yeast choices. It’s not a fault as in most cases it’s close to the mark. 

Thanks Cap! 

If I get the notification that advises that the brew is finished when I’m at work, I’ll put it straight into store mode (4deg) and then flick over to keg when I know I’m going to be able to bottle. My thought was that I didn’t want it sitting at 18deg for an extended period of time, if I wasn’t able to bottle right away. 

Should I just let it sit “ready to leg” moving forward? 


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1 minute ago, sssibbbaaa said:

Thanks Cap! 

If I get the notification that advises that the brew is finished when I’m at work, I’ll put it straight into store mode (4deg) and then flick over to keg when I know I’m going to be able to bottle. My thought was that I didn’t want it sitting at 18deg for an extended period of time, if I wasn’t able to bottle right away. 

Should I just let it sit “ready to leg” moving forward? 


When you set it to store 4C the yeast actually goes to sleep. So when you the change to keg mode 18C the yeast will wake up and attack any available sugars. My suggestion is leave at keg mode for 24hrs (will not hurt the brew) and if you need to go to store then all should be ok.

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5 minutes ago, Captain 3 Droids said:

When you set it to store 4C the yeast actually goes to sleep. So when you the change to keg mode 18C the yeast will wake up and attack any available sugars. My suggestion is leave at keg mode for 24hrs (will not hurt the brew) and if you need to go to store then all should be ok.

Really appreciate it and will absolutely do so moving forward. I was trying to avoid changing temps too much but that makes perfect sense.


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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hey so after an extended break I'm brewing again and I would like to go glass with crown caps, in stubbies. The only issue is I'm scared sheiße-less of bottle bombs. Especially since in stubbies there's less liquid to dissolve the co2 in and they're often not as thick as a tallie.


Anyway any advice/assurances?

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I’m upto batch 12. No bombs so far. 

I use stone and wood bottles

balter cerveza bottles

500ml studies from brunny island beers. 
500ml bombers from jindabyne brewing. 

im only using a single carb drop in the 500 and really have not had low carbonation issues with them. But where the 330/375 are good at 2 weeks the 500s with single drop seem to take an extra week 

I do normally allow 24 hours at keg temp before bottling. 

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8 hours ago, Andy Simma said:

I do normally allow 24 hours at keg temp before bottling. 

I've been doing that myself lately. Since going through a series of batches with explosive carbonation (some of which, in retrospect, might have had to do with that infection I had growing in my droid), I have modified me brewing process. With dry-hopped brews, when I get the hop-time notification, I duly hit the tick button, but hold off adding the hops for a couple days, to avoid hop-creep after bottling. Then when the droid goes to keg mode, I wait 1-2 days before bottling to let the yeast settle down. So far this seems to be working well. 


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On 08/07/2024 at 12:56 PM, Gillies Brewing said:

Hey so after an extended break I'm brewing again and I would like to go glass with crown caps, in stubbies. The only issue is I'm scared sheiße-less of bottle bombs. Especially since in stubbies there's less liquid to dissolve the co2 in and they're often not as thick as a tallie.


Anyway any advice/assurances?

I've bottled for nearly 6 years, I usually let my brew get to EOF, then drop hops wait in between 2-4 days (I just can't be arsed sometimes and it goes to 4 days). The only issue I have had which was 2 bottles that I think had more to do with hairline fracture/structural integrity than bombs. I think that because they happened on the first time of brewing with that batch of bottles.

Otherwise, the great advice given by @Andy Simma and @Steve Gyldenvand should be heeded.

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So I bit the bullet, bought the bottles, found a cheap bench capper (which I have dubbed Warwick) and have filled my first batch in glass stubbies with crown caps. So far so good.

Anyway I got wondering about something. In a PET bottle, I would normally squeeze the air out to minimise oxygen, not an option here. Additionally I left quite a lot of headroom (didn't fill any of the neck) so there's even more air in there than usual. Commercial breweries would probably purge it during capping with N2 or CO2. Is oxidation ever much of an issue with the glass bottles? Especially with the 330s since they're a larger air-to-volume ratio?

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Warick. Nice work. 

I use bottling vale and fill until spill. It then creates some room from valve dispersion. I assume filling from bottom pushes a lot of oxygen out. 

I guess you get some co2 to purge glass but if your that worried maybe moving to kegs is your best move. 

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