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Do I need a BrewFlo?


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Have brewed & bottled 4 so far and very happy with the results. I have been wondering about getting the BrewFlo, just not sure I can justify it. My wife is not a big beer drinker, so it's me with the occasional guest(s). The bottles are a bit of mucking around to bottle and clean - would I regret it?


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If you can afford it I would recommend getting it.

BrewArt also says beer from the BrewFlo is much better than the bottle.

I know it is expensive but it makes the beer so much better coming out of a tap then pouring from a bottle.

Also kegging is so much easier and quicker than bottling.

The main thing to take into account with the BrewFlo is that you will need to buy additional kegs and then regularly buy the keg liners and beer lines as these are disposable and only last for one use.

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In my opinion, it comes down to cash flow and what you want to get out of the system.

Currently, I choose to make one keg and 7-8 bottles from each brew. 

If you have money to spare, the kegs make life a bit easier and the Brewflo is a very nice way to facilitate beverage enjoyment, though you will be forking out for consumables (liners and lines). This is pushing the limits in terms homebrews being a cheap alternative to store bought since you are already brewing half the volume of a traditional kit.

I personally find the bottles to be more convenient for the volumes consumed in my household. However, I am on a mad quest to try to find a beer my wife will drink so I can keep the Brewflo cranking 24/7.

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Thanks everyone, woke up on Australia day dreaming of beer as you do so pulled the trigger on the beer flow. I wasn't sure what else I needed, ended up getting the full keg pack, refill kegs, liners & lines and 2 keg holders in my frenzy. Not sure if the holders are necessary, looks like they would fall over on there own? Do I need the caddy? Will my wife divorce me when she finds out?

Now I'm off to sanitise the droid before brewing the German Weissbier which will be the first kegging...


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Nice work, it's a good that you got the keg refill pack as well as you need the hose and connector to fill the kegs and you get all the other accessories for your first couple of brews too.

Definitely need the keg holds since the kegs are round and will roll over when storing them if you don't use them.

You don't need the caddy, there are 101 videos which show how to keg without the caddy.

I have kegged 4 brews without a caddy which worked out ok but I have only just got the caddy now since I have heard that the kegs fill up better with the caddy so this is something to consider in the future.

No idea how you will go with the wife but it's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.


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