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Flat beer from brew flow

William Voice

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Hi and happy Australia day everyone.  I have brewed a few kegs now and have found them to be flat when using the brew flow.  I bottled a batch and the carbonation was awsome. I feel the brew flow a waste if I am going to get better beer when bottling . Would it help to add carbonation drops to the keg as well as the sucrose? 

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I haven't had flat beer from the kegs in the BrewFlo yet so not sure why this would happen.

You shouldn't need to add any more carbonation drops or sucrose to the kegs as the liquid primer should be enough to get good carbonation.

How long are you conditioning the kegs for? Brewart recommend 2 weeks minimum but if you can leave it to condition for longer then the carbonation will get better.

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I'm assuming that you just had this not so long ago so that would be about 6 weeks so that should have been enough time to get good carbonation.

The only thing I can think of is the keg liner is not sealed properly and gas is escaping but I'm sure you would also have liquid leaking as well if this was the case.

Which BrewPrint was it?

Might need to contact BrewArt tech support and see what they say about it.

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I'm the same. Brewed several beers now pretty much all of them were flat. Getting quite annoyed with this. I've let the kegs sit from anywhere between 2 to 6+ weeks and there is no difference. I do up all the fittings nice and tight each time and as mentioned beer would leak out if they weren't. Haven't had any beer leak. I feel it's that there is not enough primer in the pouch supplied. 

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  • 1 month later...

 I have several people comment that the beer is nice however flat.  I have brewed several types of beer. They all were stored in Kegs beyond the recommended/suggested time.. The BrewFlo temperature set on 3.  I like a cold beer. 

The poured beer has beer head and there are small amounts of bubble in the glass, however within a short period of time, (1/2mins) there are no bubbles and when you drink the beer its almost like flat beer. The taste is like a flat soft drink that was left open for a couple of hours.

Any help would be appreciated.

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In my experience with bottles of flat brews or brews that don't hold carbonation, either I have not allowed a long enough duration for carbonation or IMHO my seal on the lid of the vessel was not 100% airtight.

I had a brew once (30+ bottles) that after 4 weeks was not carbonated enough, but after 2 months it came good. The same brew, 2 years after I bottled it (I found half a dozen hiding at the back of the pantry) half were perfect and the other half poured fizzy but didn't hold the carbonation for very long. The ones that didnt hold carbonation, did not give that satisfying sound of pressure release when cracking the top. 

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  • 1 year later...

I know this is an old thread, but it’s what came up in Google Search. 

Third batch (American Pale Ale) for me, and same issue - flat beer from the kegs. Pretty sure everything is nice and tight. 

Next batch will be Coopers, and I’ll be on the keg spears for the first time. Hope to get better results. 

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4 hours ago, Michael Riksman said:

I know this is an old thread, but it’s what came up in Google Search. 

Third batch (American Pale Ale) for me, and same issue - flat beer from the kegs. Pretty sure everything is nice and tight. 

Next batch will be Coopers, and I’ll be on the keg spears for the first time. Hope to get better results. 

Hi Michael, Mark here. Have recently purchased the Beerdroid and on my 3rd brew however have been brewing for many years and now keg to ss ball lock kegs. This sight is not overly active “at the moment” however I’m trying to get it going. There is a BrewArt group on Facebook but I don’t like Facebook. 

I take it your other 2 brews weren’t flat, just this one. So it is pouring flat? Tasting flat? No bubbles in a glass when held up to the light? 

If so how long in the keg and are you sure you added the primer? If you did you could well have a leak from the keg itself. Can you try the other keg. If you can and it’s ok then a leak is probably the problem.

Let us know and we’ll work this out.

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Unfortunately I have had:

Brew 1 - Super foamy. But I hadn’t sealed the keg liner properly and beer escaped between the threads. 


Brew 2 and Brew 3 (This one) - no beers escape but the beer is super flat. No head. No fizzy mouth feel. 


Have just put Brew 4 in the kegs. Won’t be back home until either July or September, so it will be a while before I know how this turns out. 

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At Kegging temperature - 18°. And they are at room temperature for a few weeks (20°) and then when we leave on vacation they sit for a few months at 16°. 

I took extra care last brew and this brew that everything is tight. 

Will reply when I put this keg in the BrewFlo in a few months. I might even get my partner to check in a few weeks after conditioning while I am away at work. 

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