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German Weissbier with too much head


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Thinking back to when I brewed this last, I think it's a good base for experimentation. I've thought of a couple of ideas with it:

First idea: if I infused it with orange peel and coriander would this be similar to Blue Moon? It feels like the best base for that that I can think of, are there other prints that would do better for it?

Second idea: if I use the lallemand Philly sour yeast that I've had in the fridge for yonks and add some fruit (when there's finally some in season again...) it feels like it could make a good base for a sour. Maybe some lactose to make it a pastry sour.



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I particularly like this for experimentation as it's a good base for moving to fruity, either through esters or actual adjuncts, it's a similar beer base to that used in a lot of German, Belgian and Austrian beers and likely wider throughout the region.

Similarly they can take on darker notes quite well like clove and other christmassy spices.

I can't speak to blue moon, but yes, orange worked well, coriander seed would as well..

As for other prints, I'm still early on in my customization, still learning what different beers can be. However, just compare some of the larger prints, you'll note a LOT of them are only different by one or two items tops, ether the malt or the hop changes.  In short, almost any of the beers here are a good base.

I can recommend the old Saxon SchwarzBier it's a porter technically, but different from anything I've had before, good base to play with again.  Needs some aging to develop, especially as it's a higher alc% but takes on other adjustments very well.

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