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Lawn Mower Lager

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  • 4 weeks later...

8 ish weeks in. As in getting the exact flavour combo I was looking for, a strike but not a bad effort. As a fail, it's pretty effin good, there is a lot to like about this but it could be better. I was going for a Pirate Life South Coast and am happy that I am at that stage where I can taste a beer and think "I reckon if I do this with this and this as hops, I might get there".

Seriously though, happy I was able to make a flavoured beer that came close


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  • 5 months later...

Bottling this one today. After the recent problems I've experienced with excessive carbonation (with a few different brews, not Lawnmower), I approached this one just a bit differently. Among the potential culprits I uncovered are, 1.) a false EOF reading, which could lead to the beer continuing to ferment after bottling, and 2.) hop creep, which can be mitigated by reducing dry-hop time. So, to address both possibilities, I decided to go to the "Courtney process", whereby I waited to add the dry-hops until I received my kegging notification, then giving it two more days before bottling. 

Time will tell, but I suspect this may be my go-to process going forward. It just makes sense. Thanks @Rob Courtney. 


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