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When to add Hops

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Just started my first Brew and  the instructions say to add the Hops once it is fermented. I guess I add this to the keg liner before filling but the brew print only came with one pack of hops so do I put half in each keg or do I add it to the Brewdroid before kegging?

Thank you for any thoughts as it would be heart breaking to mess up my first Brew!

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Hi James, I am only on my 4th brew and by no means a expert.  However, according to the brewing 101 videos you add the hops to the keg liner just before kegging along with the primer.  If you only have one packet of hops you may be one short in your order, provided you purchased an all inclusive brew print.  An easy way to check is go to the store or your App beer journal and under the information icon you can double check the brewprint contents insofar as the hops is concerned.  I have also checked by brewprints in stock and can confirm the in all cases I have been supplied with two hops packets for each brewprint.  Hope this helps. 

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Some BrewPrints onto require one packet of liquid hops so for this you usually add it to the BeerDroid once end of fermentation is detected (EOF).

Just be quick with the lid so you don't let the brew go bad and let it sit for a little while to let it mix in with the beer before kegging.

It mentions this on the BrewArt 101 FAQs on the BrewArt site so can check that out if you need more info.

If you are skilful enough you could try putting half of the liquid hops into each keg.

Which BrewPrint is this for?

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Following Chris Dekens good advice you may want to look at FAQ Question 3 under BeerDroid Brewing which I think covers your hops issue.  The FAQ answer refers the reader to the BeerDroid bottling video which is worth a look on how to infuse a 'single' sachet of hops after EOF into the droid and leave for 24 hours before bottling / kegging. 

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I have had a couple of brews that are single hop brews. I did the process of opening the BeerDroid and adding the single packet of hops and then leaving for 24 hours. However in the last brew I did, I forgot that is was a single hop brew and started kegging. Half way through kegging, I realised...I tried to the best of my ability to split the single packet between the two kegs. I will have to wait and see if this has had an adverse affect on the brew.

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On one of my brews I forgot the hops altogether and ended up bottling it.
It wasn't until a day later that it occurred to me I hadn't added the hops.

Ended up perfectly drinkable - just didn't have the hops hit that would have made it all that more enjoyable.

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  • 1 year later...
On 12/02/2018 at 10:44 AM, Ben Cameron said:

Does anyone know the consequence of adding the hops and primer with all ingredients before brewing?? 1st time for me, I did this as step by step instructions said “add ALL” ingredients... then continued and said do not put hops/primer in yet... 

just want to know consequence of this

I’d be guessing but I’d say by adding the primer before EOF will just add some extra ABV to the brew as it’s sugar, you will still need to use primer at the EOF , as for the hops, I’d pop down to the local home brew shop & get some hops to add as a dry hop at EOF for a couple days as I don’t think you will get much aroma adding them at the start , be best to contact BrewArt for their opinion 

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  • 1 year later...
On 12/02/2018 at 10:14 AM, Ben Cameron said:

Does anyone know the consequence of adding the hops and primer with all ingredients before brewing?? 1st time for me, I did this as step by step instructions said “add ALL” ingredients... then continued and said do not put hops/primer in yet... 

just want to know consequence of this

Dean’s right the primer will be chewed up by the yeast and converted to alcohol. Adding hops at the start is not a problem, adds some bitterness is regularly done in recipes. Dry hopping at the end of fermentation and leaving in the storage mode for a few days is also quite acceptable. 

Some people get a bit hung up over removing the lid. If you continually do this then there certainly can be problems but a couple of times for hops is not an issue. If you remove the lid slowly as not to “suck out” the co2 that has settled on top of the brew and you put it back on slowly as not to force outside air into the droid then no harm will be done.

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