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  • 3 months later...

Is the Droid connected to the internet and wifi working?

The app gets the data from the BrewArt server so if the Droid can't connect to the sever via the internet then the app won't show the status of the Droid.

Also there is a bit of a delay between the Droid and the app as I think the Droid only updates the server with a certain time interval so the Droid won't be continuously uploading data so you may find that it doesn't notify as soon as it is ready to keg but shouldn't take longer then an hour to display it on the app.

I don't think there is an issue with the server as I can still access my app at the moment.

Hopefully it will sort itself out but let us know how you go.

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I can connect to the Droid via wifi at home and work and via 4G out and about.

On both iPad and iPhone.

Actual completion was a 9:56 at night, so I was home and did not notice any issue.

My only thought is that somehow the internet went down at the critical moment.

If it happens at end of program of my next brew then I have a problem.

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Hi Pursya,

I had exactly the same issue.  Had been waiting 16 days for my Birra Italiano to finish fermentation and just by chance I looked at the screen on the droid and it said Ready to Keg.  No notification from the App - its always notified me correctly in the past.

Also when I finished bottling I normally get another notification that its added two kegs to my shelf.  Did not get that either.

I have had no internet issues and I have check that my iPhone is still all correctly set up for notifications.

Could be a glitch for support?

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I guess it may have been an issue with the BrewArt server then. It's probably best to contact BrewArt tech support and they can remote into your Droid and see what is happening and check the status of what has been updated on the server.

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  • 1 month later...

So 2 days ago I used the app on the way home from work to move from storage to kegging mode. When I got home nothing had happened and I put it down to an Internet glitch. Did the same thing yesterday and this time watched the app. It appeared to be doing something but the display on the app didn't indicate a change in the zone. I repeated this about 6 times and no change.

Anyway the short story is that I had to log out of the app and log back in. From then on in my zone changes worked. The odd thing was that even though I couldn't get the zones to change before the logout/login process my droids were still both reporting their current status back to me, just wouldn't accept a change.

So, if this happens to you the fix is to logout and login again.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Can't login to the app this morning. Changed my password and still no go. I can login to the store and here so not an account issue. On brewart.com under the account section I can access everything except the "My Beer Droid" option - it times out and gives me a blank screen. There seem to be others affected as well (see justbrewart.com.au). Looks like a backend fail of some sort.

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Also affected.  Came back from a trip interstate with a brew on. Fired up the app (my Android device stayed at home) and it spun its wheels for a while and now is stuck asking me if I want to setup a new beer droid (having apparently forgotten my old one).

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23 hours ago, MattS said:

And now it works again. Started working after updating IOS to 10.3.3 on my iPhone. Not sure if the update is related to the fix but it's working again.

Just got an email from Brewart confirming they had app issues over the weekend. So nothing to do with the IOS update - just a coincidence. It's working fine now and my manually started brews are showing up in the app so all good.

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