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Best Pouring Beer


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Which beer(s) has poured best for you from the Brewflo and did you use a caddy when kegging?

If you read everything on this forum, you will know I am struggling to get satisfactory results from my Brewflo. So I am in search of the most forgiving/successful/reliable Brewprint and the method of filling that was used. 

In about a month I will pick up on the best option and hopefully be on my way to enjoying a pleasing result.


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So far my best pouring beers from the BrewFlo are the American Pale Ale and the Coopers Pale Ale. These weren't done with the keg caddy since I only just got the keg caddy and have only used it to keg one brew which was the Lighthouse Pacific Pale Ale. I found that using the keg caddy allows the keg to fill better and I would assume that this will help with to have better pours from the BrewFlo.

My American Pale Ale was conditioned for 6 weeks and poured perfectly so leaving it to condition longer will help to improve the carbonation and reduce the amount of head for the beer.

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Gibbo I don't use the caddy and all my beers have poured great, I should note that the kegs normally fill to 100% but the brew I kegged today didn't fill to the top (missing about a good glass in each). I tried inverting etc but the bags look a bit twisted!

So in 3-4 weeks I will let you know if they have too much foam.



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Clean glasses make all the difference as well. I use a brewery cleaner on my glasses now it is a pink powder, then I rinse them 3 times and then they go into the fridge or freezer, obviously every one else's comments about conditioning beer is just as important.

One more thing, I have some knowledge of the Baking industry and was very well aware that yeast would die if the temp became too hot. Not sure if this is the same for the strains of yeast used in brewing. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have ended up staying on the pale ale path.

Have a Lighthouse pale ale and I kegged one upside down and one right way up.

Significant difference in the quality of the fill and in a few weeks will see what the difference is in the pour.

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It is definitely better filling the kegs upside down using the keg caddy.

I think you will enjoy the Lighthouse Pacific Pale Ale. I just had mine after 3 and 4 weeks conditioning and it turned out great. If you can't get this one to pour great then there is something wrong!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lighthouse Pacific Pal Ale is a great drop! Really enjoying this type of hops over the American Pale Ale.

So the real question is...Did it pour?

Pictures speak a thousand words.

First pour Friday night and lunch on Saturday :D 
First Real Pour Lighthouse Pale Ale (Small).jpg Lighthouse Pale Ale 2 (Small).jpg

This was from caddy filled keg. The other keg is chilling and will see how that turns out in the near future.

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  • 2 years later...


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